Policies and Procedures for Attending My Gym
Attending all My Gym programs:
Attend: We ask that only one adult attends parent participation programs with their child and any other adults or siblings may enjoy class from the lobby area. You may take turns on the gym floor with your child. Children are required to wear My Gym gripper socks and adults wear socks. If your child forgets their socks or needs a pair, they are $4. If the adult joining forgets their socks, you will need to purchase a pair for $2. If your child is in an independent class, you can stay and watch or leave and pick them up after. Children will participate barefoot.
Cleaning: We clean our facility multiple times a day to keep germs to a minimum and to keep our kids, parents and staff healthy!
Signs of Illness: Please text us if you will not be able to make your class. You can schedule a make-up class in your online account when you are ready! Children or adults showing signs of any illness, in general, will be asked to come back when they are 100% symptom-free. No exceptions. Thank you for understanding.
Practice & Play (open gym): Any child entering the gym must be preregistered in advance. You must enroll in your online account ahead of time. No walk-ins. This program is parent participation, so please remember your socks or you will be charged $2 for a pair.