Health & Sickness Policies
My Gym's Health & Sickness Policies
- Preregistration: Preregistration using My Gym's website is required for participation in all activities.
- Customer: Adults must self-screen themselves and their children for illnesses before coming to the gym. Parents and children showing signs of sickness (fever, cough, soar throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.) may not participate.
- Teachers: Like our customers, staff is required to self-screen for illnesses before each shift, and they will not work if they are at risk of passing an illness to our customers.
- Cleaning: The gym is cleaned twice daily. High touch surfaces are sprayed wiped with a non-toxic disinfectant cleaner
- Hand Sanitizer: A hand sanitizer with 60% or greater alcohol content is available. Use is encouraged when entering and exiting the gym.
- Air Circulation: The fans in our HVAC system remain ON throughout each day to maximize air circulation and outside air intake.
- Signs of Sickness During Programs: If a person in the gym is showing signs of sickness, they will politely be asked not to participate unless a doctor has cleared the person to participate.
- One adult per child: In adult participation programs, only one adult from a family is permitted on the gym floor per child participating. Exceptions are sometimes made in small classes.
- Non-participating Siblings: Siblings of participants are permitted in our lobby if they are not sick and if their behavior in our lobby is appropriate, so it does not impact class quality. Infants are permitted in car seats, baby bjorns, or slings.
- Socks: Adults on the gym floor must wear socks and all participating children in all programs must wear My Gym Gripper socks . My Gym provides one pair of My Gym gripper socks to new enrollments and Additional gripper socks may be purchased. All party attendees receive a free pair of My Gym Gripper Socks. Other brands of gripper socks are NOT permitted.